How do ginger roots help to sleep? The benefits, side effects, and Recipes

Ginger Root Will help you sleep
Ginger Root Will help you sleep

Are you stressed out due to sleepless nights? Do you want to know how ginger roots can help you sleep better?

Ginger is a natural sleep aid. The calming, relaxing sleep-inducing properties are due to the anti-stress and anti-anxiety effects of ginger. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties also help. Take a hot cup of ginger tea and fall asleep.

Well, read further to avail yourselves of the benefits, recipes, and precautions to be taken while consuming ginger roots as an aid to sleep.

Sleeping difficulties primarily insomnia or a series of nightmares frequently might lower the quality of life.

You might suffer from poor physical, mental, and emotional health issues due to improper sleep.

A natural aid for sleep is far better than Prescription sleep aids as a medication always brings undesirable side effects to the body. 

Benefits of Ginger Root  

Several Ginger root benefits can grant sound and uninterrupted sleep.

1) Ginger Root is a Natural Sleep Aid : 

Ginger root is one of the best natural sleep remedies that can help you gain effective sleep patterns. Moreover, ginger root does not have many negative side effects as compared to prescription drugs. 

2) Ginger root helps in insomnia Treatment : 

Many researchers show that Ginger root is an effective option to treat insomnia disorders.

Ginger tea or ginger capsules are capable to cure insomnia. Studies even suggest that consuming Hot ginger tea before sleeping can help people relax and have a sound sleep.

3) Anxiety Treatment : 

Ginger root is highly effective against Anxiety, hence people use it for stress or anxiety treatment. Insomnia is primarily caused due to nightmares. And nightmares are caused by anxiety.

According to biological science, ginger roots produce a variant of serotonin receptors. Serotonin acts as a neurotransmitter that can highly affect anxiety levels of the human brain thereby enhancing good and positive mood.

A mind without anxiety is equal to a night of sound sleep.

It also has antioxidant properties, which also help.

4) Relieve stress : 

Tension and stress lead to poor sleep quality. Ginger tea or ginger seasoning is highly effective against stress and tension. 

Surveys showcase that people who consume ginger-based tea are less prone to stress and tension. The reason behind this is the strong combination of soothing aroma and healing properties of ginger roots.

There are many studies that show the benefits of ginger root. In this study, you will get a lot of information regarding this.

5) Relieves Nausea : 

Ginger root is popularly used as an aid in digestion. Ginger roots also relieve the body from nausea. And if your stomach ache is keeping you awake, you can go with a cup full of ginger root water.

This water will not only relieve you of stomach aches but will also cut down the vomiting or indigestion effect. 

6) Anti-inflammatory properties:

One of the well-known benefits of ginger is as a potent anti-inflammatory substance. The active compounds in ginger, such as gingerol, have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body.

This makes ginger beneficial for individuals with inflammatory conditions like arthritis, muscle soreness, and certain digestive disorders.

Many researches suggest that ginger has anti-inflammatory effects. If you are interested to read a research paper, then take a quick look at this scientific paper.

7) Pain relief:

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, ginger may help alleviate pain caused by conditions like osteoarthritis and menstrual discomfort.

It is considered a natural analgesic, providing relief without the side effects associated with some over-the-counter pain medications.


 If you are suffering from pain and swelling and having trouble sleeping then look into the guides on sleeping positions for:

8) Immune system support:

Ginger contains antioxidants that help strengthen the immune system by neutralizing harmful free radicals in the body.

A robust immune system is essential for defending against infections and maintaining overall health.

Scientific studies have suggested the same. If interested, look into this research.

9) Antimicrobial properties:

Ginger has natural antimicrobial properties that may help combat certain bacteria and viruses. Consuming ginger during the cold and flu season might offer some protection against common illnesses.

It is very important nowadays.

10) Heart health:

Some research suggests that ginger may positively impact heart health by lowering blood pressure and reducing cholesterol levels.

These effects can contribute to a lower risk of heart disease and stroke.

If you are suffering from heart failure then you must look into our article for the best sleeping position for heart failure.

And if you want to have good heart health then you must read this article on sleeping positions for a healthier heart.

11) Weight management:

 Ginger can potentially aid in weight management by boosting metabolism and promoting a feeling of fullness.

By increasing calorie expenditure and reducing overeating, ginger may play a supportive role in weight loss efforts.

Isn’t great. Keep reading you will find ways (recipes) to help you achieve that.

Side effects of Ginger Root : 

Side effects from ginger root are rare but it might count in the following if the ginger root is consumed in excess or in the incorrect way – 

1) Heartburn  

Heavy consumption of ginger root in an unregulated manner can lead to damaged heart health conditions. 

Heartburn is one of the most common side effects of Ginger root. Ginger roots tend to raise the acidity of the stomach thereby causing a burning sensation, mainly in the chest.

Thus it is advisable to consume ginger root in a small amount. Also,

You should consume 1 g to 1.5 g of dried ginger root per day to get rid of heartburn.

2) Digestive effects – 

As it is with most of natural herbs or ginger root supplements may interact poorly with some medications. 

Abdominal pain, stomachache, gas, diarrhea, or bloating might be the major side effects of Ginger root.

Surveys show that excess consumption of Ginger Root causes diarrhea and abdominal discomfort.


Ginger impacts the upper digestive system which causes upper digestive gas and bloating in some cases.

Also, in some cases, ginger roots accelerate the food and stool passage through the intestines. This might lead to abdominal pain, restlessness, and weakness.

Too much ginger will lead to abdominal pain, restlessness

Natural Sleep Aid : Foods that will help you Sleep

3) Bleeding – 

Ginger roots lead to excessive bleeding because it acts as an obstruction for platelet thromboxane. Thromboxane is a blood clotting platelet that constricts the blood vessels.


You are advised not to consume ginger if you are undergoing any type of surgery.

4) Burning in the mouth – 

Consuming more than 4 grams of ginger root in a day in any form might lead to mouth allergy.

According to surveys, Ginger root, if consumed at an excess results in Oral Allergy Syndrome. In this case, your mouth starts to itch.

This itchiness results in an unpleasant taste. It might sometimes result in swelling of the mouth cavity.

If you consume more than 4 grams of ginger root in a day in any form might lead to mouth allergy and mouth ulcer.

5) Unsafe during pregnancy – 

Gynecologists claim that consuming ginger without the prescribed limit (1500 mg per day) might lead to risked pregnancy or even miscarriage.

Thus, you must take the advice of a doctor before consuming ginger root in any form during pregnancy.

Recipes for Ginger Root.

There are various ways of using Ginger root for better sleep quality. 

1) Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is the most popular way of consuming ginger roots. You might have heard of older people advising you to take ginger tea.

Ginger Tea
Ginger Tea

Take some ginger root and boil it with water. You might add half a spoon of sweetener to enhance its taste. Here’s your ginger-based tea, indeed the wonderful cure for sleep disorders.

Ginger tea can also be your go-to drink beverage whenever you feel nauseating.

2) Ginger Oil

Ginger oil is high in benefits.

You can maximize your skin, beauty as well as sleep duration with this spice-based ginger oil. 

Pluck some ginger root and let them dry. Once dried, transfer the roots into a saucepan.

Add a few teaspoons of coconut oil. Heat them all gently for two hours over low flame until natural oil from ginger root infuses the coconut oil.

Strain the ginger oil with a strainer so that large root pieces are rinsed off. You can rub this oil over the skin, head, hair, etc to get the best results.

3) Fresh Ginger

Fresh ginger is one of the easiest forms in which ginger root can be consumed.

Ginger root servings can be included in the smoothies, or they can even be added to your daily food as an aroma and taste enhancer.

4) Ground Ginger root powder

Just as fresh ginger root, ground ginger root can be crushed to a fine powder. This powder can be added to preferred edible items for enhancing its taste as well as the aroma. 

Moreover, powdered ginger is used as a baking reagent. Just be sure you do not over-consume direct ginger root or ginger ground powder.

5) Ginger Water

Ginger water is a simple drink, both to consume and make. You can add nothing but water and ginger root to make this simple recipe. But, if you want to balance the flavor, you might include a sweetener like honey or lemon.

To make ginger water, slice ginger root into pieces. Boil the ginger root and water for about twenty minutes. Strain the leftover roots, and you have made simple and hygienic ginger water.

Can Ginger Improve Sleep Quality?

Ginger is a fascinating herb with a wide range of health benefits and has the potential to improve sleep quality.

That is why it is one of the most sought natural remedies for a restful night’s sleep.

While scientific research on this specific aspect is still developing, there are several reasons why ginger may positively influence sleep quality.

It helps to deal with stress and also helps in relieving insomnia.

Another way ginger might promote better sleep is through its calming and relaxing effects.

Many people find that consuming ginger, especially as a warm and soothing ginger tea before bedtime, creates a sense of tranquility that eases the mind and reduces stress.

As we all know, a calm and relaxed state of mind is essential for falling asleep easily.

Also if you have inflammation, pain or digestive issues the right quantities of Ginger will definitely help you.

If you’re considering incorporating ginger into your bedtime routine to enhance sleep, consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable.

They can provide personalized guidance and ensure that using ginger aligns with your specific health needs and any existing medical conditions.

6 Interesting ways that Ginger will affect your Sleep?

Ginger may affect sleep in several ways, although it’s important to note that individual responses to ginger can vary at different dosages.

The mechanisms through which ginger might influence sleep are not fully understood, and more research is needed to establish its direct impact on sleep.

However, here are some ways in which ginger could potentially affect sleep:

Calming and Relaxation:

Ginger contains certain bioactive compounds, such as gingerol, which have been associated with calming and relaxation effects.

If you consume ginger, especially in the form of warm ginger tea, it can create a soothing sensation that will help you prepare for sleep.

Stress and Anxiety Reduction:

Some research suggests that ginger may have anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) effects.

Anxiety and stress can be significant contributors to sleep disturbances.

By helping to lower stress levels, ginger might assist in creating a more conducive environment for restful sleep.

Indirect Effects on Sleep Quality:

The potential anti-inflammatory, calming, pain relieving, and digestive support properties of ginger may improve overall well-being.

When people feel more comfortable and relaxed in their bodies, they may experience better sleep quality as a result.

Thermogenic Effect:

Ginger has a thermogenic effect, meaning it can slightly increase body temperature and metabolic rate. This gentle increase in body warmth might create a cozy and comforting feeling that aids in falling asleep.

It’s important to emphasize that the effects of ginger on sleep are not universal, and some individuals may not notice any significant changes.

So, you must consult with your physician regarding the dosage and the timings.

Final Words : 

The side effects of ginger might threaten you, but you need to know that if consumed in the right manner, ginger root can be a boon for your sound sleep and refreshed mornings.