Reclaim Your Sleep: 3 Science-Backed Best Sleeping Positions for Stiff and Painful Neck Remedy!

Best sleeping position for stiff and painful neck remedy

Are you tired of waking up with a stiff neck? It will hamper your productivity and leave you feeling uncomfortable all day.

The way you sleep and the position you choose can have a significant impact on neck stiffness and neck pain.

The Best Sleeping Position for Neck pain relief is to sleep on your back with hands on your side or chest. Side sleeping also helps in relieving a stiff neck if, you choose the right pillow that will provide you with proper spine alignment.

In this article, we will explore in depth the best sleeping positions to reduce a stiff neck. I also will provide you with practical tips for a more restful and pain-free sleep.

Here is also a quick Table that will help you,

Sleeping PositionsRecommendations for Stiff and Painful Neck Remedy
Stomach Sleeping PositionBad
Side sleeping on affected sideNot recommended
Side sleeping on the other sideHelpful
Back sleeping with the hand below the headBad
Side sleeping on the affected sideBad
Back Sleeping with hands on your sideBest
Back Sleeping with hands on your chestBest
Table showing how sleeping positions affect the Stiff and Painful Neck.

You need to understand the importance of proper alignment and support while sleeping.

This way you can take proactive steps to address neck stiffness and improve your sleep quality.

Sleeping Positions:

The Basic Sleeping Positions are

  • Back Sleeping Position
  • Side Sleeping Position
  • Stomach Sleeping Position.

We will discuss various sleeping positions, their benefits, and how to optimize them to relieve neck discomfort.

Whether you prefer sleeping on your back, side, or stomach, we have got you covered.

The expert tips and techniques will help you adjust your sleeping position to reduce strain on your neck, promote better spinal alignment, and enhance your sleep experience.

Say goodbye to morning neck stiffness and hello to rejuvenating sleep.

Follow the recommendations and discover the remedies that will transform your nights, leaving you refreshed, energized, and ready to take on the day.

We have also researched medical research.


Let’s dive into the world of optimal sleeping positions for a stiff neck and unlock the secrets to pain-free sleep.

Impact of Stomach Sleeping on Neck

When you sleep on your stomach, your neck is forced into a rotated position. This rotation places excessive stress on the neck joints, muscles, and ligaments.

Stomach sleeping position affect on neck
The stomach sleeping position affects on neck

The prolonged and repetitive strain can lead to muscle tension, misalignment of the spine, and even nerve irritation.

Over time, this can contribute to chronic neck pain and discomfort.

7 Tips for Reduce Discomfort of Neck Stiffness while Sleeping on Stomach.

While it is generally recommended to avoid stomach sleeping for neck health, we understand that breaking this habit can be challenging.

If you find it difficult to switch to another sleeping position, here are some tips to help alleviate discomfort:

Choose a thin pillow or no pillow:

While sleeping on your stomach you should use a thin pillow or no pillow at all can help reduce the strain on your neck.

A flat surface allows for a more neutral alignment of the spine, minimizing the rotational stress on your neck.

Place a pillow under your hips:

To maintain better spinal alignment while sleeping on your stomach, consider placing a pillow under your hip or pelvis.

This helps reduce the arching of your lower back and can relieve some pressure on your neck.

Use supportive pillows

If you find it challenging to adjust your sleeping position, using supportive pillows can make a significant difference.

Consider using a cervical pillow specifically designed to support the natural curvature of your neck. These pillows provide better support and help maintain proper alignment, even when sleeping on your stomach.

Avoid using multiple pillows:

Using too many pillows can elevate your head and neck excessively, leading to increased strain and discomfort. Stick to a single pillow or a supportive pillow that is suitable for your preferred sleeping position.

Improve overall posture:

Good posture during the day can have a positive impact on your sleeping position. You should know what activities can cause a stiff neck.

Read our article on stiff neck remedies to know them.

Be mindful of your posture while sitting, standing, and engaging in activities throughout the day.

Strengthening your core muscles and maintaining proper alignment can contribute to better spinal health and reduce strain on your neck during sleep.

Gradually transition to side or back sleeping:

As I always say that stomach sleeping is not a healthy way to sleep.

So, if possible, try gradually transitioning to the side or back sleeping.

These positions provide better support and alignment for your neck. Experiment with different pillows to find the right level of support and comfort.

Other Sleeping positions:

Remember, the goal is to find a sleeping position that supports your neck’s natural alignment and minimizes strain.

While stomach sleeping may be a challenging habit to break, prioritizing your neck health and exploring alternative positions will lead to improved sleep quality and reduced discomfort over time.

While stomach sleeping may be difficult to give up entirely, understanding the strain it puts on your neck is crucial for your long-term neck health.

By implementing the tips mentioned above, you can alleviate discomfort and promote better alignment during sleep.

Remember, everyone’s body is unique, so it may take some trial and error to find the best sleeping position and strategies that work for you.

But better to change the sleeping Position.

But, What if you can change your sleep habit?

So, Always remember stomach sleeping is not good for your neck pain.

So, let us check how other sleeping positions will affect your neck


The Stomach Sleeping Position is not good for your Stiff Neck. With small changes, you can reduce the pain. But not heal it.

Side Sleeping Position

Side sleeping is a popular sleeping position known for its benefits, such as reducing snoring and alleviating sleep apnea.

Side sleeping position for neck pain relief

However, if not done correctly, side sleeping can also lead to neck discomfort and pain.

Here, we will explore the impact of side sleeping on neck health and provide effective strategies to alleviate any associated discomfort.

The Impact of Side Sleeping on the Neck:

Side sleeping is one of the most common positions to sleep in. When you sleep on your side then your Nose is perpendicular to your spine.

You should use a medium-firm pillow with adequate height to maintain the spinal alignment at your neck region.

If the pillow is taller then your neck will be aligned above your spine level and if the pillow is short then your head and neck will drop resulting in misalignment.

This will put a strain on the neck. The weight of your head and inadequate support can lead to misalignment of the spine and excessive pressure on the neck joints and muscles.

Over time, this can result in neck stiffness, soreness, and even nerve irritation.

How to alleviate neck discomfort by sleeping on your side?

Choose the right pillow:

Selecting the right pillow is crucial for maintaining proper neck alignment while side sleeping. Look for a pillow that provides adequate support and helps keep your neck in a neutral position.

Memory foam or contoured pillows designed specifically for side sleepers can be beneficial. The best choice will be going with the shredded memory foam pillow.

You will be able to increase or decrease the volume of shredded memory foam in order to adjust the height.

Keep your spine aligned:

Ensure your spine stays aligned while side sleeping. You can do that by adding more pillows at the required places.

Place a pillow between your knees to help keep your hips, pelvis, and spine properly aligned. This reduces strain on your neck and promotes a more neutral sleeping position.

Avoid excessive elevation:

Avoid propping your head up too high with multiple pillows.

This will lead to an unnatural angle for your neck, causing strain and discomfort.

You must opt for a single, supportive pillow that maintains a neutral position for your head and neck.

Consider a body pillow:

A body pillow will be a good addition.

It can provide additional support and help you maintain a proper sleeping position while side sleeping. Hugging a body pillow can prevent excessive twisting of the spine and keep your neck in alignment.

Practice good posture:

Maintaining good posture throughout the day can positively impact your sleep position.

Your focus should be on keeping your shoulders back, chest open, and spine aligned. Strengthening your core and back muscles can also help improve overall posture and reduce strain on your neck while side sleeping.

Stretch before bed:

Incorporate gentle neck stretches and relaxation exercises into your bedtime routine. This helps release tension in the neck muscles and promotes better relaxation before sleep.

Consult with a healthcare professional or physical therapist for specific exercises that suit your needs.

Experiment with different mattress firmness:

The firmness of your mattress can affect your neck comfort while side sleeping.

Consider trying different levels of mattress firmness to find the one that provides optimal support and comfort for your body, including your neck.

Side sleeping can be a comfortable position for many, but it is essential to prioritize neck health and proper alignment.

By choosing the right pillow, maintaining good posture, and supporting your body properly, you can alleviate discomfort and promote a healthier sleeping experience.

Experiment with different strategies and techniques until you find the combination that works best for you.

Which side to choose to sleep on when you have a neck ache?

Tough neck pain becomes generalized. But it always starts from one side. If not attended at the start it quickly become generalized.

So, if you are at the start then sleep on the other side of the pain.

Sometimes sleeping on the side of the stiffness or pain might give you some comfort. But avoid it.

Apply some muscle relaxant ointment on the affected side and apply a warm compress.

Only heat will reduce the stiffness and the pain.

Before lying down make sure the loft, thickness of the pillow is adequate for you for the side sleeping position.

Now lay down slowly. Adjust yourself to make your spine aligned.

If this position is not helping you then you will need to change the position.


The Side sleeping position is good for neck pain relief if you adequately support your neck alignment.

Impact of Back Sleeping Position on Neck

Back sleeping is often considered one of the healthiest sleeping positions as it promotes spinal alignment and reduces the risk of developing wrinkles and facial compression.

back sleeping position for neck pain relief

However, some individuals experience a stiff neck after sleeping on their backs.

Here we will explore the causes behind a stiff neck while back sleeping and provide effective remedies to alleviate discomfort and promote better sleep quality.

What can cause of Stiff Neck While Back Sleeping?

Here are some reasons that can make your neck painful and stiff even if you lay in the healthiest sleeping position.

Inadequate pillow support:

Using a pillow that doesn’t provide proper support for your neck and head can result in a stiff neck.

It’s essential to choose a pillow that maintains the natural curvature of your spine, keeping your neck in alignment with the rest of your body.

Avoid stacking multiple pillows.

Improper mattress firmness:

Sleeping on a mattress that is too soft or too firm can lead to poor spinal alignment and contribute to a stiff neck.

A medium-firm mattress is generally recommended for back sleepers to support the natural curves of the body while providing adequate comfort.

Pillow height:

The height of your pillow can also impact the alignment of your neck.

If your pillow is too high or too low, it can strain the muscles and joints in your neck, leading to stiffness and discomfort.

Lack of neck and shoulder support:

Insufficient support for your neck and shoulders while back sleeping can result in muscle tension and stiffness.

It’s important to ensure that your pillow and mattress combination adequately support these areas, maintaining proper alignment and relieving pressure points.

Remedies to Alleviate Stiff Neck While Back Sleeping:

Choose a supportive pillow:

Select a pillow specifically designed for back sleepers. Look for pillows that offer contouring or cervical support to maintain the natural curvature of your spine.

Memory foam or latex pillows can be excellent choices for optimal support and comfort.

Adjust pillow height:

Experiment with different pillow heights to find the one that allows your neck to be in a neutral position.

Your head should be aligned with your spine without tilting too far forward or backward.

Use a neck roll or bolster pillow:

Consider using a neck roll or bolster pillow to provide additional support for your neck while back sleeping.

These pillows can help maintain proper spinal alignment and reduce strain on the neck muscles.

Optimal mattress firmness:

Ensure your mattress offers the right balance of support and comfort for back sleeping.

A medium-firm mattress can help distribute your body weight evenly and maintain proper spinal alignment.

Engage in gentle stretching and exercises:

Incorporate gentle neck stretches and exercises into your daily routine. These can help improve flexibility, release tension in the neck muscles, and prevent stiffness.

Consult with a healthcare professional or physical therapist for specific exercises suitable for your condition.

Practice good sleep posture:

Pay attention to your overall sleep posture.

Keep your body aligned while lying on your back by placing a small pillow under your knees to support the natural curve of your lower back and reduce strain on your neck.

Heat therapy:

If you wake up with a stiff neck, applying a warm compress or using a heating pad for 15-20 minutes can help relax tense muscles.


The Back Sleeping Position is good for your reducing Stiff and Painful Neck.

The Best Sleeping Posture for a Stiff and Painful Neck Remedy is :

Many Medical research has shown some good and interesting results.

If you keep your hand on your forehead then your neck will have a tilt. This tilt will affect your muscle. This will create stress in already stressed muscles.

Thus, you will not receive proper relief.

So, Sleeping on your back with Hands-on or behind your forehead is not the best position.

So out of exclusion, you should keep your hands on your chest or on your side.

In these positions, your neck will not be affected.


The Best position to sleep is on the back with either hand on your side or on your chest.

Now let us check some of the common questions that people have in their minds. If you have any questions or doubts, leave them in the comment section.

How should I position my pillows to alleviate neck pain while sleeping on my back?

Right way to use a pillow while sleeping on back.

A pillow that provides adequate support for the natural curve of your neck can help alleviate neck pain.

Are you sleeping on your back?

Then that is good.

Use a supportive pillow that keeps your neck aligned with the rest of your spine.

The pillow should not be too tall in Height nor it should be too flat. It should have an adequate height.

The height of the pillow depends from person to person and also differs according to sleeping positions.

So, it is important to know what is the height of the pillow that will make you sleep comfortably.

I always choose a shredded memory foam pillow.

You can increase or decrease the amount of shredded memory foam from the pillow and make it suitable for your needs.

Is it better to sleep with one pillow or multiple pillows for neck?

Avoid multiple pillows for sleeping to avoid neck ache

Use a single medium firm memory foam pillow that will perfectly balance your spine and relaxes your neck muscles. Avoid multiple pillows, which will strain your neck muscles.

Do you want to use multiple pillows while sleeping?

Well, it will vary depending on your preference and the severity of your neck pain.

Some people find that one medium-firm pillow is sufficient for supporting the spine.

While others may benefit from using multiple pillows to achieve the desired support and comfort.

But as long as your neck is supported and maintains the natural alignment, you are good.

But the side effect of using multiple pillows will be that your neck will be too elevated. This will strain your neck muscles.

This will either cause or aggravate your neck pain. That is the reason why, I always suggest avoiding multiple pillows.


Don’t let a stiff neck ruin your sleep or affect your daily life any longer.

With the right sleeping position and a few adjustments, you can say goodbye to morning discomfort and embrace the joy of waking up refreshed and ready to conquer the day.

Remember, each person’s body is unique, so it may take some experimentation to find the sleeping position that works best for you.

Whether you choose to sleep on your back, side, or stomach, prioritize proper alignment and support for your neck to alleviate stiffness and promote optimal sleep posture.

By implementing the remedies and tips outlined in this article, you can make a positive impact on your sleep quality and overall well-being.

Take control of your sleep environment, invest in a supportive pillow, and create a relaxing bedtime routine that promotes neck flexibility and relaxation.

Now, it’s time to bid farewell to restless nights and welcome the rejuvenating sleep you deserve.

Sweet dreams and wake up to a new day with a happy, pain-free neck. Sleep tight!