Lemon Balm benefits in sleeping. Side effects and Recipes.

Lemon Balm Helps in Sleep
Lemon Balm Helps in Sleep

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) has multiple health benefits. It has huge anxietolytic properties. Studies show that it is due to its interaction with GABA receptors. More research is required in this field.

Lemon Balm grows quickly and recipes are easy to make. But it should not be consumed in certain conditions. Also, the drug interactions are also well known. So keep on reading to know when can you not take it.

Lemon Balm is a crop of a perennial herb with sweet citrus fruit and is part of the mint family. Sometimes known as bee baking and honey baking is lemon baking.

It comes from Europe, Central Asia, and Iran but is now used worldwide. In sandy and scrubby areas, citrus balm grows. 

For any disordered condition of the nervous system, lemon balm is recorded in conventional medicine over 2000 years ago. It has been used for anxiety, neurology, nausea, headaches, sleeping problems, brain wellbeing, digestion, etc.

Tea is sometimes produced using the most useful portion of the plant. Lemon balm is convenient for beginner gardeners to cultivate herbs! Lemon balm grows so quickly that it is called a weed by some gardeners.

But it’s far from a weed, we realize. Lemon balm has many unbelievable health benefits. We also examined the literature on this wonderful plant and examined some of the health effects of lemon balm.

Health Benefits of lemon Balm:

  1. Relives stress
  2. Reduces Anxiety
  3. Promotes sleep
  4. Helps in fighting Insomnia
  5. Relieves indigestion.
  6. Relives the nauseate feeling.
  7. It may relieve in head ache
  8. May relieve in toothache
  9. may relieve in menstrual cramp.

Now, let us see how and why will Lemon Balm help in inducing and maintaining sleep. So, let us, straight dive, into the sleeping benefits of lemon Balm.

Sleep Benefits of Lemon Balm Tea

In the mint family, Lemon Balm is a plant. Lemon balm tea cures a variety of health problems that affect the digestive tract, nervous system, and liver.

It was used by Carmelites in the 14th century for an alcoholic tonic popularly referred to as Carmelite wine.

Lemon balm is currently used as both a sleep aid and a digestive tonic in herbal medicine. It can be used in bazaars and lotions as tea and may be taken as a substitute or extract.

Lemon balm essential oil is common even in aromatherapy, where calmness and depression are expected to be encouraged.

Natural Sleep Aid : Foods that will help you Sleep

A study done in 2004 suggests that Lemon Balm relieves stress.

If you are facing problems in sleeping, Lemon balm tea also contributes to curing insomnia and other sleep problems.

One research examined people in perimenopausal sleep conditions and observed a substantial difference between the experimental community and placebo with decreased levels of sleep disorders.

This research study done in 2014, shows that Lemon Balm gives a considerable amount of relief to Anxiety.

Another research examined individuals with mild to severe sleep disorders and found that botanical herbs such as citrus fruit are a better solution to opioid sleep assistance for people struggling with fear-related insomnia.

Lemon balm tea should be turned into a tea or tincture and used to allow the wind to relax.

In a research study the researchers have tried to find out the reason of the anxiolytic or stress-relieving reasons of lemon balm. The research was taken on a Rat brain.

It has shown to inhibit GABA transaminase (GABA-T), an enzyme targeted in the therapy of anxiety, epilepsy and related neurological disorders.

Depending on the findings another researcher suggested that the mood/anxiolytic effects of lemon balm may be due to known interactions with GABA-A receptors

But, more research are required in these field.

Side Effects of Lemon Balm Tea

Contrary to other sedative medications, lemon balm tea seems harmless at sufficient doses and does not increase its sedating effects by alcohol. However, some side effects were reported which are as follows:

Dependency Risk:

If intake is suddenly stopped this may trigger withdrawal symptoms.

According to a case study published at the Medical Archives, a university student with herbal medication with Melissa officinalis began to take her regularly at night.

That student had shown signs of addiction after a daily increase in intake from one to four cups per night.

The study concluded that, while lemon balm tea’s side effects are highly rare and preferable to prescription medications for many patients, there is a chance of dependence when consumed at high doses for a considerable period.

Reduction of alertness:

The intake of 600 microns of M. Officinalis under laboratory-induced psychological tension, along with substantial increases in calmness self-ratings, resulted in reduced vitality with and without drowsiness, was recorded in a double-blind analysis by psychosomatic medicine.

In contrast, a substantial improvement in mathematical processing was found in participants who only ate 300 mg, without decreasing their precision.

While the study findings indicate lemon balm tea’s ability to relieve the effects of stress, they also emphasize that lemon balm tea’s side effects are linked with more than recommended doses, particularly when this herb is ingested during the day.

While no human research has been performed, a laboratory study published in Cardiovascular Medicine Research has shown that high levels of Lemon Balm Tea can impair healthy heart function, slow ventricular conductivity by blocking sodium, potassium, or both. 

Cautions and Interactions of Lemon Balm Tea

Lemon Balm Tea can induce unwanted effects and interact with other herbs, vitamins, or prescriptions in some conditions of health. 

Interactions and Cautions for Lemon Balm Tea:

  • Heart Conditions: The proper role of the heart will affect lemon balm tea. In the absence of evidence of risk from human trials, people who have heart problems should be prevented from consuming lemon balm.
  • Hypotension: As lemon balm tea will decrease blood pressure, it should not be consumed by people with hypotension
  • Pregnancy: The protection of lemon balm intake has not been proven during pregnancy and lactation. While used historically for morning sickness, it is advisable to discontinue the use of Limon balm tea during pregnancy and lactation because of the lack of clinical evidence for validating this procedure.

Drug interactions with Lemon Balm:

  • Glaucoma medications
  • Thyroid medications
  • Barbiturates
  • Sedative Drugs
  • Drugs affecting serotonin

Conditions in Which Lemon Balm are not recommended:

  • Heart disease patient
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding Mother
  • Children less tha 12 years.
  • Scheduled surgery

Take Lemon Balm only after consultation with your doctor.

Now that we have seen the drug interactions and the contraindications of lemon Balm. Let us check some ways to consume it.

3 Common and Super Easy Recipes for Lemon Balm Tea

Here are 3 recipes of lemon Balm tea, that you will like. Let us know how it went for you.

Homemade Lemon Balm Tea: 

  1. Fill a tea strainer or tea ball with fresh herbs and put in a Regular Teacup.
  2. Put water on a kettle or big pot into a burner in a controlled temperature kettle.
  3. Pour in the teacup with hot water and enable to soak the baking sheets for five to ten minutes.
  4. Take the tea strainer and, if necessary, sweeten with butter, sugar, or agave.

Lemon Balm Sun Tea:

  1. Put the cool water in the bottle and incorporate the lemon balm leaves
  2. In the intense sunshine, position the jar outdoors and let it steep for 3-4 hours.
  3. Put into teacups appropriately and serve a delicious ice tea with ice cubes.

Lemon Balm, Cayenne and Apple Tea

  1. In a big pot or coffee boiler bring water to a boil
  2. Incorporate pepper cayenne and tea leaves and prepare for 5 to 10 minutes of steepness.
  3. In a teacup put the mashed apple and put on the tea blend.
  4. Stir and taste the spicy, cayenne-lemon flavor.
  5. Sweeten with the gentle apple flavor.


Lemon balm tea can help you with your sleep. Discuss your situation and the possible advantages and risks associated with it with your Doctor. Do it before you consume it.

There is little danger if you cultivate your lemon baking or dried tea leaves. It is also easy to make.

So, if you can consume it. let us know how it worked for you.